Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Fresh Micron: Frits Rijpers!!!

Name: Frits Rijpers (Nickname Fristie)
Date of Birth: 05-02-2001
Home town: Roosendaal

Black or Red Licorice? Black

What is your idea of a good time? Winter vacation at Austria

If you were a superhero what would your special power be? Transform in every shape

What music sucks? Frans Bauer (haha)

What would you do if I gave you €20 grand cash right now? Buy a new PS3 game

Top Favorite Flow Products:
1 Flow Verve
2 Flow The Five SE
3 Flow Vega Boa

Top Favorite Features:
1 Airtime
2 Speed
3 Snow
4 Friends
5 Beach

Top Favorite Mountains/Indoorslope:
1 Skidome
2 Landgraaf
3 Spaarnwoude
4 Uithof
5 And ofcourse Austria

Favorite People to Ride With:
1 Joey van de Noort
2 Ziggey van Bouwhorst
3 Jazzley van Bouwhorst
4 Eric Bastiaansen
5 Bram Nuiten

All Time Favorite Things:
1 Snowboard
2 Wakeboard
3 Skateboard
4 PS3
5 My dog Laika

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Joey opening his on mountain season!!!

Day 1
We left real eaaaaarly on Saturday. We arrived at 15:00 in Tux Austria. Unloaded the car and after a schnitzel and a warm shower of to bed. Really excited for day 2.

Day 2
First day at the park was awesome. Riding the mountain with my new gear. My new boards  are good,  fast and stable. First time training with Jorne and Martijn.
They are stern teachers.
Look what happened to my face while I scratched the snow!

Day 3
Blue bird again. Today training in the park. Martijn's directions pay off, my jumps have improved. We had a lot of fun today especially with Gulli Gudmundsson and Danny Larson.

Day 4
It was misty in Mayernhofen but on the slope it was blue bird again. Still excited riding the mountains. Can't get enough of it. Training was good. Learned new stuff. My new Flow board ride great. Today at filming I crashed with Martijn. Nothing serious just a little swelling on my arm for me and a sprained ankle for Martijn. After having eaten our home made sandwiches we hit the park again with Jorne.
Tomorrow is going to be another exciting day......